Letter from Bishop Cheverus to Paul Revere, 1814


About Item:

Jean-Louis Lefebvre de Cheverus, also known as John Cheverus, was a French Catholic priest who spent some of his career in New England. During the War of 1812, many coastal cities and towns were vulnerable to attack from the British. Bishop Cheverus wrote this letter in September 1814, right after the British military had attacked and burned much of Washington, D.C. Paul Revere wanted to help strengthen parts of Boston and sent his employees to help build up a section of the North End waterfront. This letter thanks Paul, and Bishop Cheverus especially calls out that Paul paid his employees their normal wages even though they didn’t work in his shop that day.

Read full transcription here

Glossary Terms:

  • Fortifications—Walls or reinforcements built to protect an area or structure
  • Wages—Amount someone is paid for their work


Collection of the Massachusetts Historical Society

Letter from Bishop Cheverus to Paul Revere, 1814

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Funded in part by Julia and Mark Casady and the One Step Forward Education Foundation

Special thanks to the National Parks of Boston and Matt Conti

Design and Development by Cardinal Digital Design and Adrienne Turnbull-Reilly

Copyright © 2024 the Paul Revere Memorial Association