Letter from Rachel to Paul Revere, May 1775

Midnight Ride

About Item:

After Paul’s letter to Rachel from Watertown, MA in 1775, Rachel wrote this letter in response. They were planning together how to get Rachel and the children out of Boston safely to reunite with Paul in Watertown. To do this, they needed to get a special “pass” from the local authorities who were not too happy with those families who were rebelling against the king, so there was real concern about whether or not Rachel would be successful in her attempts. Notice her displeasure at the idea of leaving his son Paul Jr. behind – he was only 15 at the time!

Read full transcription here

Glossary Terms:

  • Capt Irvn—member of the British military
  • Confer—to transfer or give
  • Alterd—altered, or changed
  • Ingage’d—agreed, or committed to
Letter from Rachel Revere to Paul Revere

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Funded in part by Julia and Mark Casady and the One Step Forward Education Foundation

Special thanks to the National Parks of Boston and Matt Conti

Design and Development by Cardinal Digital Design and Adrienne Turnbull-Reilly

Copyright © 2024 the Paul Revere Memorial Association