Pass for Riding, 1775

Midnight Ride

About Item:

The letter, written by James Otis, Sr. in 1775, presents Paul Revere as a trustworthy messenger for the Sons of Liberty. This would make it easier for Paul to find places to sleep, and get the food and supplies he needed to travel long distances.

James Otis’s son, James Jr. became famous for his participation in the Revolution. He is most famous for saying “no taxation without representation!”

Read full transcription here

Glossary Terms:

  • American Congress—AKA the Continental Congress that met in Philadelphia. This group made decisions about how to interact with Great Britain

From the collection of Paul Revere Memorial Association

Handwritten note on faded paper

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Funded in part by Julia and Mark Casady and the One Step Forward Education Foundation

Special thanks to the National Parks of Boston and Matt Conti

Design and Development by Cardinal Digital Design and Adrienne Turnbull-Reilly

Copyright © 2024 the Paul Revere Memorial Association