Letter from Paul Revere to Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society, 1806


About Item:

James Endicott was a farmer who lived in Canton, Massachusetts. He experienced a fire on his property and lost his house and almost all his possessions. In this letter dated to 1806, Revere is writing to the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society on behalf of Endicott. The Fire Society was a group established to provide money and donated goods to help people who had suffered damage or loss of possessions and property due to fire.

Read full transcription here

Glossary Terms

  • Industrious—hardworking, efficient, diligent
  • Fresh—lively, energetic, quick

From the collection of Paul Revere Memorial Association


Handwritten letter in a cursive font

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Funded in part by Julia and Mark Casady and the One Step Forward Education Foundation

Special thanks to the National Parks of Boston and Matt Conti

Design and Development by Cardinal Digital Design and Adrienne Turnbull-Reilly

Copyright © 2024 the Paul Revere Memorial Association